Spring Has Arrived

Not a moment too soon. What a long, grueling winter it was. But now the forsythia, dogwoods, cherry blossoms, daffodils and all the other pretty, pastel trees and flowers are in bloom. It's magnificent.

I’m loving my freelance life, with a contract three days a week working in-house at a fashion brand. Which gives me two days to pitch and write articles, meet friends for breakfast or lunch, hit the gym or a matinee. It somehow still manages to be hectic, but by no means stressful.

The peanut is doing brilliantly. Sharp, sweet, fun and funny, she’s got boundless energy and determination. She’s a great cuddler, fort builder, and puzzle solver. She's just the best.

Last year was a tough one. This one feels good. Lots of unknowns and I often just have to stay away from the news. But I feel inspired and creative again. More in control of my time and what I want to be doing. This is a good moment.