Confronting Racism

Confronting Racism

The second time I heard the story about George Floyd on the radio, it was probably Wednesday, May 27, I had to rush over and turn it off. I couldn’t listen to him gasping, “I can’t breathe.” I couldn’t hear a voice that I knew was killed moments later.

Here We Are

I haven’t wanted to write. What is there to say, really? Nothing seems terribly insightful, relevant or new. It’s all being said on the news, social media, in conversation and text: this is a strange, scary time and I can’t wait for it to be over. And yet.

Seeing 2020

Seeing 2020

Every once in a while, I have one of those nights that reminds me exactly why we live in Brooklyn. Why we don’t move somewhere where we can triple our square footage while also halving our cost of living (give or take… you know what I mean).